Emergency spill response
Streamside offers an industry-leading technology for emergency spill response in rivers, lakes and streams. The Sand Wand System is capable of the removal of non-contaminated or contaminated materials that are resting on the riverbed. The material can be selectively removed using a combination of water jet and suction. The recovered material is pumped onshore for proper handling and disposal.
The system is manually operated which allows for cleanup in areas with minimal access. Because of this, there is little impact to the surrounding riparian area (unlike traditional methods that require a large onshore footprint).

The system can successfully remove
Construction site run-off
Submerged oil and oil-contaminated sediment
Fly ash
Coal particles
Available when you need us most
Streamside is available 24/7 for emergency spill response. To contact us directly, call 419.423.1290 to discuss your project needs. The equipment is available for lease or full-service option. Long term rates available.